Author: Eric Mangin

12 trillion

The additional market value that would be generated by gender equality in the global economy -in dollar- (Source: McKinsey 2015). In addition, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development stated in 2018 that having women in leadership positions is critical to achieving the UN’s Sustainable…

1.6 billion

The number of students and youth across the planet that are or have been affected by school and university closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Source: UNESCO). School closures have affected 94% of students worldwide, a figure that rises to 99% in low- and middle-income…

9.8 million

The number of tons of furniture that end up in landfills every year — approx. equal to the content of 25 Empire State Buildings (Source: Metropolis). Cheap materials and limited life span foster the increased waste in landfills. Society is trapped in an economic model of…

6 billion

The amount of dollars invested in purpose-driven European tech companies this year (Source: Atomico 2020). Investment in purpose driven enterprises has reached a record stand. The COVID-19 crisis is generating momentum for social and environmental change across the globe and we must seize this opportunity,…


facts of 2020 that make us believe a better future is possible. The 2020 pandemic shut down the world, causing that many look at the future through lenses of fear, uncertainty, and hopelessness. However, in NooS we have decided to start this 2021 on a…


The number of coloured senior academics in the UK (Source: Adams, 2020). Out of 21,000 full-professors, only 0,6% identified as Black. A lack of diversity and unfavourable racial dynamics affect universities as much as any other institution. Jonathan Wilson, a full-time Brand Strategy & Culture professor…

8 million

The number of tons of plastic that ends up in the world’s oceans every year (Source: UN). Ocean plastic pollution is one of the most pressing problems of our time. Although several solutions have been implemented, it seems that the problem is getting worse. Why…


The number of companies dedicating 1% of their turnover to socio-environmental actions across the world (Source: Axylia). Why more and more brands adopt such a contributory mission a.k.a. « Profit for Non-profits”? Is there any underlying opportunism i.e. “greenwashing”, “social washing” or “mission washing”? Companies, just like…

Tomorrow will be a great time

In Mandarin, the word crisis brings together two ideograms: Wei – danger, and Ji – opportunity. The danger, anxiety-provoking, reminds us of our almost animalistic primary condition: survival. Opportunity is a hope, which mobilizes our richest and most accomplished human qualities: our intelligence, our conscience…

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